Jan 28, 2010

أشباه البشر


انتصارتهم التافه لاتعنى بضروره الحال انهم أبطالها

مجدهم ليس الا حكى عن أساطير أخرين

يعيشون فى الظل….ويعشقونه

كلما كثرت الآلهه زادت القرابين

وفى القرابين غنائمهم 



*Painting:The Old Guitarist ,Pablo Picasso


Jan 26, 2010

National Security or Egyptian Imperialism



Kenyan newspapers yesterday had a breaking News about Egypt represented in Citadel Capital has acquired the majority of shareholders stocks of The Kenya- Uganda railways! 

The Citadel Capital was described by the National Daily newspaper as:

“a powerful and tough talking firm based out of Cairo that is whispered to count among its investors sons of the most powerful politicians and political elite in that country.”

Citadel Capital has prospective investment in East Africa estimated with 400 million$;Which insinuating the direct relation with the High official visits of the Egyptian government to East Africa.The acquisition of the Egyptian businessmen of the railways company in Kenya-Uganda out broke controversy in the Kenyan-Ugandan society described by Daily National newspaper:

“the entry of the Egyptians has stocked nationalistic passions in Kenya, and outlined the cleavage that defines how the country and Uganda define their strategic interests.”


“In the traditional mode, the conflict over what would define the national interests of the nine Nile Basin countries would be fuelled by politicians with expansionist ambitions, but in the current saga, corporate men in suits seated thousands of kilometers away are calling the shots from their plush private equity funds profits.”

This opens a big debate Now:

 whether Egypt foreign policy committed to mend its relations with the Nile basin Nations on bases of mutual benefits & strategic importance as equal partners or as an imperialist elitists?!

I’m now questioning the intensions of Nazif and his efforts. Is it for the Nile water or for the bank accounts of his businessmen government?

People now in Kenya-Uganda questioning our true intentions as well towards their countries , comparatively, Israel investments focuses more in the development areas.I think Egyptian government should revise the heavy support for its capitalists ,Considering this shall portrays Egypt as a colonial imperialism overtaking their countries.It is not wise to strive for the cash and overlook the long term relationship between us & the Nile basin.

Nazif your businessmen government experimental policies have failed nationally ! this is a fact …Why do think it will work outside?!

and these leaves us with anther  question ----> is businessmen influence have risen to the point it overpowers the foreign ministry????


background info:

Egyptian media have been alarmed by the Israeli officials visits which took place on the course of the last year to Nile basin countries.At the same time, accused the government with neglecting a national security matter, since, the Egyptian presence in Africa =0 leaving a back door to Israel controlling the sources of the Nile. However;The Egyptian government officials tried to underestimate the significance of these visits .At the end of last year, unpredictably; Dr.Ahmed Nazif –prime minister-accompanied by businessmen toured Ethiopia & later assembled with Nile Basin countries in Egypt.This has lead to many investments in those countries as well as partnerships ,while it may seem late;but these moves were praised nationally.

Jan 21, 2010



isn’t it sad when love fades!

Do people give up their passion?

or just simply;

They have changed?!

Jan 16, 2010

6 Reasons Why I Loved Julie&Julia?!



  watched Lately Julia&Julie it was such a great inspiration.

I enjoyed the movie very much. and These are the most important reasons I can think of:

First of all it has 2 of my favorite girls Meryl Streep and Amy Admas

Second : like true based stories.

Third : This flick adaption was perfect.

Fourth: It’s about cooking =) ”I take a joy on cooking ”

Fifth: It goes into blogging ^.^

Sixth: It‘s about life:ups & downs,  and self exploration .


***I recommend it for watching giving it 4 stars, some would say it’s girls’ flick but WTH men could enjoy it too if they are into some of the things I mentioned before…

Jan 14, 2010

بلاد الدهب


الموضوع ده كان فى دماغى من فتره وكنت حابه اكتب فيه كتير..واعتقد الوقت ده وقته.

الحكايه بدأت لما جه مهندس يونانى أسمه أدريان دنينوس وفكر فى بنا سد ضخم على نهر النيل يحفظ مياه الى بتضيع فى البحر ويكون ليها نفع كبير على مصر.

الفكره قعدت تلف لغايه لما وصلت لناصر..والى مش عارف او فاكر القصه يقدر يسمع أغنيه عبد الحليم.

السنه دى مصر بتحتفل بمرور 50 سنه على أخذ القرار ببنا السد العالى وجزء من فعاليات الاحتفال

ان معرض الكتب السنه دى حيكون حول السد العالى و روسيا هى ضيف الشرف.

يعنى من الواضح ان السنه دى حنسمع كلام كتير جدا عن السد العالى وأهميته ودوره ..الخ

لكن فى موضوع مرتبط بالسد حقيقه ،مهمش اعلاميا بشكل كبير وهو موضوع تهجير النوبيين، فى بعض الاحيان بيظهر الموضوع ده على السطح

و بسرعه يختفى من غير وجود تفاصيل كافيه


للاسف الصوره المترسخه فى أذهن كتير من المصريين وغير المصريين للنوبيين صوره نمطيه مصدرها الافلام الابيض و أسود.

عم عبده البواب الرجل النوبى الاسمر صاحب الجلباب الواسع الذى يتكلم بلهجه غير مفهومه و مضحكه

أو عثمان عبدالباسط شخصيه الرجل النوبى الساذج التى اشتهر بهاعلى الكسار.

واخر شىء لهم ظهر فى الاعلام هى مشكله أغنيه هيفاء وهبى و القرد النوبى.

وقله من المصريين صادفهم الحظ بالتعامل مع شخصيات نوبيه خارج نطاق النمطيه،وأقل لها معرفه بتاريخ وثقافه النوبه أبعد من اغانى محمد منير ومنيب.

فبدايه أحب ان تقرأ عن النوبه أولا لتعرف ما هى ومن هم أهلها .

وجدير بالذكر ان الرئيس السادات ولد من أم نوبيه وان اللغه النوبيه كانت من اللغات المستخدمه فى الشفرات اثناء حرب 73

حق العوده؟

الكلمه بتبان كبيره و البعض بيعتبرها تضخيم اعلامى.بس لو اتحط كل شىء فى سياقه اعتقد مفهوم

بناء السد العالى ومانتج عنه من تحويل مجرى النيل وتكوين بحيره ناصر  غرقت بلاد النوبه بالكامل

وتهجير كافه ابنائها حوالى 18الف أسره .

بعد تهجيرهم 3 مرات قبل كده فى مرحله بناء وتعليه سد أسوان.

والكلام عن حقوق النوبيون وتعويضهم عن أراضيهم و منازلهم  ده مش كلام جديد.و الحوار فيه كان و مازال  بصوت عالى أحد التبوهات فى مصر.

ومع ظهور الكثير من ملفات الاقليات فى مصر و الاحتفالات بالسد وتخصيص اموال لبناء مدينه لاهالى النوبه وتحفظهم عليها
وكلام ايضا عن مناقشه الموضوع فى الامم المتحده

يظل الموضوع مجهول والتغطيه الاعلاميه ليه تعتبر معدومه

,احب أى حد نوبى او اى حد مطلع اكثر بالموضوع يدينا معلومات عن حقيقه الوضع

بدل ما مصر من اسكندريه للصعيد تايهه بين تصريحات وتعتيم الحكومه و تصريحات المقتضبه للبعض النوبيين فى الجرائد

ودورنا ان احنا نسلط الاهتمام بالموضوع ده و ماندفنش راسنا فى الطين ونقول كله تمام ياباشا .

ومنتعملش مع الموضوع باستخفاف او كأنه بيحصل فى بلد تانيه ..دول جزء من مصر

,انا فى راى ان ااقل واجب لتضحيه الناس دى علشان مصر كلها تشرب مايه و تزرع و يدخلها كهرباء انهم يتسمعوا بصوت واضح وعالى.

,اتمنى ان احتفاليه السد العالى تمتد وتبقى احتفاء بثقافه وتاريخ النوبه وفرصه اكبر ان مصر تعرف اكتر عن جزء مهم من ثقافتها و من تاريخها

ودى بعض لينكات الى اعتقد انها مثيره للاهتمام







Jan 9, 2010

Pervert on the loose

yesterday around 1:00 pm I was so late for an appointment, I was rushing my way into the metro, so there was no time to get to the Women’s car.

I got into a mixed car and I sat down.

At Sadat metro station this creepy looking man got in, holding a bag in front of him in a very suspicious way.

I got destructed by a crying baby next to me the next thing I see is this man standing next to me opening his pants’ zipper was open his “everything” was hanging out and I guess he was masturbating at my FACE. I freaked out and I felt like I’m paralyzed for a second .

I jumped up from the bench , I was shaking ,the guy acted normally and TOOK my place (WTF). I looked at him and began swearing and I said this man was doing this and this…blah blah.

he got off my place walked normally to another place looking like my reaction gets him off !!

everybody else in the metro car (men & women) looked at me and looked away got back to their little chats , nobody asked me are you ok !or even bother to tell me “don’t worry”, like just all of this didn’t happened.!!

I was shaking and my eyes were tearing up feeling sick and disgusted and scared to death,and nobody bothered even talking to the guy-who stood in the car till the next station- and he left holding the bag in the same way; searching for another metro car to practice his perversion.

This situation scar me for good , I’m not going ever take a mixed car.

but the saddest thing in this story is the reaction of the people in the car.

in another post I will say my reflection to what happened!!


Jan 4, 2010

حدود وطنى

حافيه القدمين امشى

ارتحل بين المدن

حدود الخرائط وهم
صنعناه من سراب
لنحمي أصنامنا الجوفاء
فبراح الارض وطنى
وفضاء الكون سقفى
وعبير الغابات عطرى
            * * *

فاكسروا اوثانكم

واعبروا فوق الحدود
اعبروا فوق القيود
اعبروا لحلم اراه
حبيس لخطوط متقطعه
على ورق ملون
حبيس جوازات السفر
اريد وطنى حر .. اريده لجميع البشر